Pathway To Adoption

12 Fun Facts About Me !

Hey!! For those of you who are new to my BLOG, allow me to re-introduce myself. I’m a single, licensed foster/adopt mom awaiting a placement. Besides wanting to be an adoptive mother, here are some other fun facts about me.

  1. I was raised in Memphis then Atlanta.
  2. I started working when I was 14. I like having my own money.
  3. I love being in water. Pools, water rides, boats. I’m here for all of it.
  4. My love language is Words of Affirmation.
  5. My secret ambition is to teach ART. (Guess its not a secret anymore, lol)
  6. I have struggled with obesity most of my life.
  7. I wish I traveled more.
  8. I rented my parents’ basement until I was 36 before I bought my dream starter home.
  9. I like driving big trucks and SUV’s.
  10. I started an event decorating business 15 years ago. I’m ready to retire and give it to my kids or teens that I can mentor.
  11. I have written 16 skits and plays for the theater ministry at my church. They’ve performed all but one of them. Proud moments.
  12. I use a planner every day. I write out my day daily and usually stick to it.

Feel free to leave me a comment below. Next post we will discuss what to do when the process gets hard. Can’t wait to share !  Thanks for reading…See you next post !
