God is using this time in my life to address some personal issues I battle with that need correcting before He places children with me. A while ago, He showed me an area in my spiritual walk that I need to heal from.
He used my mother to bring it to my attention, and I’m so grateful that He did because I’ve been battling with this issue for a long time.
It helped to talk to her about it, then I took it to God. I believe I received a breakthrough, although I’m taking it one day at a time and allowing God to heal me in this area. I’ve struggled with self-deprecating thoughts for as long as I remember. I won’t burden you with details. Just know I wasn’t always so kind to myself. Then, I projected and thought others felt the same way about me. A therapist once told me it was a byproduct of depression, a condition that had me in a dark place for some time.
Thankfully, I got a handle on the depression with professional help. No, I’m not ashamed. It’s my testimony. In fact, I live a thriving life for the most part. Yet, every so often, those thoughts creep back to my mind. I titled this post. “Battle of the Mind” because that’s exactly what it is. I have to momentarily cast down negative, deprecating thoughts about myself.
Second Corinthians 10:4-5 boasts, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God through the pulling down of strongholds, CASTING DOWN EVERY IMAGINATION and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ…”
During those times, I have to be intentional about remembering how valuable and loved I am by God. I affirm myself with His Word and keep it moving. Sometimes that means limiting my time on social media.
I’m writing this post because I’m sure I’m not the only one battling with this from time to time. Wanting to adopt children doesn’t make me a saint or perfect by any means. I’m flawed, and I don’t ever want to transfer those debilitating thoughts I’ve suffered with to my children. By the time they reach my doorstep, they will have endured enough. I’ll work hard so that they will have an inheritance one day, and I’ll work even harder to make sure they don’t inherit THAT.
What areas do you need to heal from before you adopt ? Or just heal from in general for those not adopting ? I encourage you to examine your spiritual walk and allow God to correct and heal any areas where you are weak and broken. Let’s overcome together. In Jesus’ name… Amen. See you next post !
Banessa I am so overjoyed and thankful to read your testimony God is good continue to trust and lean on him and always remember that you have a strong family connection. Remember the Battle is not yours but it is the Lord.
What a powerful and real share. Thank you! Although the wait is difficult I know God is in control and he’s gifting me this time to be ready for whatever He has in store.
Hey Tammie ! You’ll do great…let’s stay in touch !