According to the State of Georgia, my house is in good shape to accommodate children. However, since I’ve found myself in a holding pattern, I decided to revisit my mental checklist of household repairs/renovations that I’ve had on hold for awhile. I’m committed to staying productive as I wait on a placement, so I actually wrote down these projects and arranged them by affordability and necessity. Most of them are minor and cosmetic, but I think it behooves me to address them while I have this extra time.
So, today’s post is for those of you who may be in a similar waiting period. I just wanted to share ideas to deter your focus from the adoption process. I know it’s easy to obsess about the whole thing, but it’s healthy to focus on other aspects of life as well. Whether you rent or own, there is always something you can do to improve your home. Below I’ve listed a few of home improvement ideas you might consider as you wait.

- Painting a room
- Replacing carpet
- Cleaning carpet
- Upgrade Alarm System to Cover Kids Bedroom Window
- Upgrade Blinds
- Replace Dated Ceiling Fans
- Installing kid friendly faucets
- Installing new commodes
- Replacing Hardware on Toilet Tanks
- Replacing Toilet Seats
- Upgrading Shower Heads
- Upgrade Light Fixtures
- Repair Any Drywall
- Add dimmer switches
- Re-Caulk Where Needed
- Repair loose knobs on cabinets
- Replace hardware on cabinets and doors
- Hang Window Treatments
- Grout the floor
- Replace weatherstripping
- Service A/C and Heating Units
- Service Appliances
- Check tub & sink drainage
- Upgrade Sink Hardware
- Upgrade Carpeted Stairs to Hardwood (I’m saving up for this one now!)
- Clean Gutters
- Power Wash Siding & Concrete
- Trim Tree Limbs
- Tree Removal
- Roof Repairs
- Replace windows
- Check Sealant on Existing Windows
- Add Security Door/Storm Door
- Install a fence
- Repair an Existing Fence
- Repair any damaged boards on the deck
- Paint patio
- Service garage
- Enroll in Recurring Pest Control Services
- Replace Outdoor Light Bulbs
- Install Motion Light Fixtures
- Install Ring or Any Reputable Surveillance System
- Service Septic Tank
- Service Water Heater
- Replace Mailbox
- Tend To Flower Beds in Season
- Invest in Storage House

I am in no way an expert on home repair. In fact, I’m not very handy at all. Lol.
I just gathered these ideas from my experience being a homeowner. Plus, I was a real estate agent once upon a time. Technically, I still am…just inactive for now. So, I’ve learned a little bit about home improvement over the years.
Again, these are just ideas. I passed my homestudy just fine without making most of these upgrades since many of them are optional & cosmetic. The fixtures currently in my house are sufficient, but allow me to share with you one example of the project I’ll be working on first.
If you’ve read my previous posts, you know that I have a large German Shepherd named Lenox. Whenever someone rings the doorbell, he races to the door and attacks the blinds to see who’s there. Consequently, these blinds need to be repaired or altogether replaced because some of the planks have detached from the rope. My dad installed an oversized baby gate in my foyer to restrict Lenox’s access to the front door, but the damage has already been done. I have topiary plants on the other side of those windows that block the damaged blinds, so I’ve been able to hold off repairing them since it’s only an eyesore from my end.

However, I know this needs to be done, so now is a good time as any to address the situation. It’s an inexpensive and easy fix that I may as well go ahead and knock out now. This project is first on my list. I have about 5 or 6 more projects total, but I’ll have to prioritize them based on my budget since some projects are more expensive than others.
I’d make the same suggestion to you. Choose the project that is most pressing to you that’s within your budget. Even if you just get 1 home improvement task done, that’s one less thing you have to do once you get kids !
What home projects are you working on while you await placement ? I’m sure I left some out. Also, feel free to share your favorite home improvement tips in the comments below. I’d love to read your feedback. Thanks for reading…See you next post !