One Vs. Many

Statistically, siblings can be difficult to place because many adoptive parents may not more than 1 child, especially if they already have children in the home. However, most states try to keep siblings together, and I am a strong proponent of that! A common sibling set number is 3. For example, if there is a sibling set of 9 kids, the state will typically break them up into groups of 3. So, although I only want 2 children, I will definitely take up to 3 if that means keeping siblings together.
Even in cases of abuse and neglect, it is devastating when children are removed from or relinquished by their parents. One thing that helps children cope with this emotional transition is the familiarity of siblings. They are able to comfort and support each other and be raised together under one household. I want to be that household.

When it comes to deciding how many children is right to adopt, you must consider your current family size, space available, finances, and your personal threshold for added family members. Definitely pray about this, but I have a feeling most of you already know how many children you want. Oh, and please don’t fall into the trap that the more kids you adopt, the more pious you must be. That’s an erroneous and faulty measuring stick. God knows what you can handle. If it’s just one child, that’s wonderful…and more than a handful I’m sure !
As for me, I know there will be challenges in raising multiples, but I believe God will help me every step of the way. Likewise, I am sure He will empower you to raise however many children He places in your care as well. No matter the number, just know we can do this !
See you in the next post !

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” James 1:27