Hey there ! I know it’s been a while since I last posted. Quick Update: No kids yet and probably won’t have them until the latter part of the year. I have an upcoming surgery and will need time to recover. It’s only fair that I wait until I heal, so I’m okay with yet another delay.
However, a thought did cross my mind here lately about Father’s Day. It’s no secret that I am a full-blown single woman, lol. Although not my first choice, I’ve grown to be okay with that as well. It just makes me wonder how my kids will fare on Father’s Day with no father.
What questions will they have?
Will they feel like they are missing out on something?
Will the lack of a father make them sad on Father’s Day?

I have heard many single mothers make the statement that they are their child’s mother and father. I respectfully disagree with that thought. As women, we can only be mothers. God didn’t create us to be fathers. No matter how outstanding of a mother we are to our children, I believe there is no substitute for a father. With that in mind, I know that my children won’t have the male parenting that I had growing up.
I’m nervous about how that male absence will affect them. I know women raise girls every day without a father around, and many of them turn out just fine. I’m just nervous about how mine will turn out. I’m determined to keep them around positive male role models, such as my dad and brother, who can pour into their lives. However, I know that’s not the same as having a dad in the home.
This coming Father’s Day is probably the last Father’s Day I will experience without children. Next year, I may have to cope with the absence of a dad, not for myself but for my children. I know that God will guide me throughout this journey and my future children as well. I definitely carry anxiety about the fatherless parenting situation, but I remind myself of the scripture that states, “Cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7

Ultimately, I know that the situation will work out in my favor as long as I give it to God. If there are any single adopters reading this, please leave me a comment below. How do you deal with Mother’s Day or Father’s Day as a single parent ? How do you deal with questions about the lack of the other parent? I’d love to read your feedback ! Thanks for reading…See you next post !