Pathway To Adoption

My Hiatus Has Ended

It has been almost a year since I last posted, and I really need to give an update on my adoption journey. First, let me explain why it’s been so long since I last posted. Plainly stated, I don’t have any placements. It’s been a very slow process. I’ve been pursuing this process over 3 years, and there have been days where I wanted to quit, throw my hands up and say, “At least I tried.” To be honest, I still have those moments.

I remember when I first began, I spoke with a case worker from DFCS who told me that people who want infants have at least a 3 year waiting period because of the high demand. Here I am in the same boat yet I’m open to siblings and older children. There’s apparently a wait for them, too ! Lol.

In all fairness, I realize that my wait is partially due to the fact that I only want children who are free for adoption. Most kids in the foster care system still have their parents’ parental rights intact. Although I don’t like the extra wait that stipulation adds to my process, I know it will be worth it because at least I know that the children entering my home will be mine to keep. Plus, the year that I had my home closed with the state due to my back injury is also part of the 3 year delay.

So, when I factor in the reasons for the prolonged wait, I feel a little less discouraged. For one, I still prefer only adoptable children, so I wouldn’t change that. Secondly, I had to allow my back to heal. At age 43, that wasn’t going to happen overnight, Lol.

Now that I’ve updated you on the reasons for that wait, let me update you on what has happened in my life. My back is healed. I still have the bulging discs, but they no longer bother me due to major weight loss.  As of today, I have lost 171 pounds and dropped 9 dress sizes. I feel great! My energy level is through the roof, which I know is great for raising small children. I know that my steps are ordered by the Lord, and I’m sure He intentionally orchestrated my weight loss to take place prior to receiving children. I completely understand there’s order to anything God does, and I’m certain that’s another reason for my delay.

That being said, I have so much more to share! I’ll be posting once a week. I pray that you’ll revisit me next week for more. In the meantime, check out the photos the kids’ room. It’s finally complete ! It was so therapeutic putting the final touches on it. It made it seem like more of a reality, which I needed after being discouraged for so long.

Share with me, have you experienced bouts of discouragement ? What did you do to overcome? I look forward to hearing from you ! See you next post !
