Pathway To Adoption


I  read all three of these books during my adoption process. Each book gave me useful insight into the adoption world. In my opinion, these are MUST-READS! I will cover each of these books in an upcoming blog post. There are a mountain of books on adoption out there, but these inspired me most. I hope they will inspire you, too. 

Disclaimer: Each book has a link to Amazon. If you  purchase thru my link, I will receive a small commission from Amazon…and I would be soooo appreciative. Proceeds go into my adoption fund to care for my kiddos when they come. Thank you & Happy Reading !


The video above, “The Picnic”, is a documentary from 1999 that chronicles the realities of the adoption experience for a few American families. Although adoption picnics are not as common today, many of the  challenges and joys seen in the film are applicable to any adoption. Raw, relevant, and highly recommended ! 

Every adoptive parent needs to know about the late Dr. Karyn Purvis. She was a highly respected child psychologist and advocate in the field of adoption. She was also the Director of the  Institute of Child Development at Texas Christian University.

Okay, so you know those rare and coveted days when you’re home all day lounging in your pajamas ? Use one of those days to hop on Youtube and binge watch her videos. Just type in her name , and a stream of videos will appear. She is also the author of the book I linked above titled “The Connected Child”. I’ve learned so much from her books and videos. I know you’ll enjoy them as well. 


For Adoption thru Foster Care:

1) Find your state’s child welfare agency using the link below. If you’re interested in fostering or adopting thru foster care, this should be your first point of contact.





If you have a heart for abandoned and abused children, I suggest the movies below. Some will tug on your heart strings while others may inspire you to do something about it. All of them can be found on either Netflix or Amazon Prime. I highly recommend them ALL !

If you’re not quite ready to adopt or just not interested at this time, no worries. There’s still room for you !  

Below I’ve listed 5 child advocacy programs that could always use donations, support and volunteers. Most of them are in Georgia and local to me. However, they receive donations from donors worldwide. 

I am sharing these organizations solely for informational purposes. I am not affiliated with any of them, and I do not profit in any way from your contributions nor am I notified. I just know them to be reputable and well-established, and I’d like to bring awareness so that more people can get involved. To learn more about these organizations, simply visit the links below:

1) The Carrie Steele Home    Carrie Steele-Pitts Home (

2)Covenant House  (has locations nationwide)  Helping Homeless Children & Youth | Covenant House

3)Rainbow House    Home – Rainbow House Inc

4)Christian City Kids Village    Children’s Village – Christian City

5)CHRIS 180    Home – CHRIS 180