I really try to post twice a week, and it looks like I will keep that streak up this week…but it’s been a rough road to get here. I’ll be transparent and tell you that I’ve had a rough, depressing week of me not wanting to even get out of bed most days. My weight loss is slow, and I’m off work because of chronic back pain.

The past few days, I’ve lost interest in doing a lot of the things that normally bring me joy like decorating and crafting. It’s like it just came from nowhere. I just got discouraged that motherhood seems so elusive for me. I’ve done all this work, and still no kids.

I know that my feelings are probably common among people going through the adoption process. I’m normally pretty upbeat about it, but this week had me kind of down. I questioned myself, ”What did I do wrong ? Why does having a family of my own seem so out of reach while it seems to come so easily for others? Should I have had children young like most of my peers despite my marital status?”
Intrinsically I know that I made the right decisions for me, but I was second guessing myself for a minute. I also know people don’t necessarily want to join anyone else’s online pity party. However, I wanted to share to show future adoptive parents reading this that days like this may occur, and it’s okay.

I pulled myself out of my funk by doing kind acts for other people this week. I wont get specific, but just know that the best way to get over things not going YOUR way is to shift your focus elsewhere. Plus, find something to look forward to and focus on that ! We’ll talk more about that in Part 2 of next post ! Meet me there !