Okay, so here’s the sunny side of this 2 part blog series ! Despite all the things seemingly not going my way, I’ve decided to list some of the things I am currently looking forward to regarding my adoption. I encourage you to do the same on your low days as well. Let’s go !
Things I Have to Look Forward to:
1. Traveling Out of State.
So, I didn’t know until recently that I could travel out of state or out of the country with my foster kids. The state only requires that I get a travel voucher that gives me permission to travel with them. I always thought I’d have to wait until the adoption was finalized before we could do that. When my back heals, Disney World, here we come!

2. New Books.
My mom and I recently visited a consignment shop that we love in Tyrone, GA and found some great children’s books. I bought over 20 high quality books, and most of them were only $1 a piece ! I can’t wait to read these to my girls !

3. New Curtains.
So, I stumbled upon these cute curtains in HomeGoods last week. Can’t wait to hang them in their room !

4. The Upcoming Holidays.
My mom is cooking for Thanksgiving, and I had to remind myself that it’s a blessing to still have my mom here to make memories and share recipes with this year. Plus, it’s almost time to decorate for Christmas. This is my favorite time of the year.

I love Christmas: the spiritual component, the charity, the décor, the lights, the togetherness, the music, and even the smells. Now that it’s cooling off, I can soon dig through my storage house and grab all my holiday décor. (I don’t go in there while it’s hot for fear of critters, Lol).
I could probably list a few more things I have to look forward to, but you get the point. Again, redirect your focus onto positive, happy aspects of your life and your upcoming adoption. Doing so will help you stay positive and in good spirits while you wait. Thanks for reading & See you next post !
Big Hugs,