Pathway To Adoption

Weight & Adoption

A Little Thing Called Weight...Except Mine Isn't That Little.LOL. Hear Me Out.

I’d be lying if I said this was an easy post to write- because it’s not. However,  it’s a necessary post on a topic that can’t be ignored.  Plainly stated, I’m overweight, and I take full responsibility for it. 

Yep, I’m a big girl who wants to be a mom. There’s fundamentally nothing wrong with that, but there are some hard truths I had to consider during this adoption process. In doing so, I had to be honest about how my health could impact parenthood and what needs to be done about it.

This is no doubt an exciting time for me, but it’s also a crucial time. My weight is currently at an all-time high. Honestly, I dont think I’ve ever been this big. I’m 41, but I should definitely have more get-up-and-go about myself than I actually do. My energy is low, and my body stiffens and aches in multiple places EVERY DAY.
Much of that is the result of poor diet and lack of exercise. I take full responsibility, I own it. However, I also own the fact that I have the power to do something about it !
You may wonder what  my weight struggles have to do with adoption. Well, I’m beginning to realize that the limitations and inconveniences that come with being morbidly obese can limit interaction with my future kids.
Thankfully I haven’t developed any of major of the diseases common to obesity, but I got back issues ! And what if one of my crumb snatchers wants a piggyback ride ? We both in trouble!
I’m seeking to adopt from 0 to 6 years old. That requires ENERGY that I don’t know if I have at this size. The desire is there because I want to be a fun, active mom, but all these extra pounds may not let me.

That being said, I am committing myself to get fit for my family. I’ve dusted off my elliptical machine and gotten under the guidance of a good nutritionist. But OMGsh,  this is so hard. I will definitely keep you posted on my progress over the course of this blog. I can’t wait to start sharing recipes and workout regimens (once I develop one I like, lol). Give me grace, I’m a fluffy work in progress. 

So, what health obstacles can you work on to better prepare for your growing family, or even your present family ?
It could be weight, regulating blood pressure, receiving pain management, emotional therapy, etc. Whatever health struggles that can be managed within your control, let’s identify them and start the work toward improvement.
I want to be the best physical version of myself before my little ones arrive. If you’re reading this but not adopting, you can still join me. Leave me a comment below and let’s connect. It’s a lifelong battle for me.
Let’s do it together. After all, Health is Wealth !

1 thought on “Weight & Adoption”

  1. I gotta buy a bike, get Daniel’s bike fixed, and get all three of us back on the road. We r w u, fam!!

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