A Little Thing Called Weight...Except Mine Isn't That Little.LOL. Hear Me Out.

I’d be lying if I said this was an easy post to write- because it’s not. However, it’s a necessary post on a topic that can’t be ignored. Plainly stated, I’m overweight, and I take full responsibility for it.
Yep, I’m a big girl who wants to be a mom. There’s fundamentally nothing wrong with that, but there are some hard truths I had to consider during this adoption process. In doing so, I had to be honest about how my health could impact parenthood and what needs to be done about it.

That being said, I am committing myself to get fit for my family. I’ve dusted off my elliptical machine and gotten under the guidance of a good nutritionist. But OMGsh, this is so hard. I will definitely keep you posted on my progress over the course of this blog. I can’t wait to start sharing recipes and workout regimens (once I develop one I like, lol). Give me grace, I’m a fluffy work in progress.

I gotta buy a bike, get Daniel’s bike fixed, and get all three of us back on the road. We r w u, fam!!